Your Host
Martin Foden is your cottage owner and host. He lives nearby on the same property so is ready to tend to any needs or requests you may have. He has been visiting and enjoying Yosemite for over 30 years including with young boys and other family members all of whom learned to ski at Badger Pass in Yosemite. Do ask him about trail and activity recommendations – he will have the latest info based on the season, weather and traffic, etc.
In most cases Martin will welcome you personally, else Louise Spearman will help. She also takes care of all the cleaning when you leave.
Email: Call: 1-650-704-8181
Frontier Hill™ is a trademark of Martin Foden
Martin Foden – Owner Background
I was born and raised in South Africa by British parents and soon after college immigrated to San Francisco because I was a computer techy. In due course I moved to sales and marketing and raised a small family in Silicon Valley.
After being squeezed out of Mountain View by Google, my younger son said “Dad, you are always talking about that cabin in the mountains. Why not do it?” And I did. And I moved to Mariposa where the great high speed internet let me continue to consult worldwide (See www.brighternaming.com) as well as eventually get my online safari & wildlife jewelry business off the ground (See www.safarigold.com now a worldwide leader in silver and gold bracelets made in traditional African elephant hair knot style).
These all continue today, but since buying my own property that had a great little cottage on it, my love is hosting international and local guests. It all burned down in July of 22nd from the arson set Big Oak fire, but a new cottage is already in place (featured on this site) as well as a very small workshop studio, and soon a house for me. Plus my older son is developing a neighboring lot and we will connect up all the trails.
I have traveled the world – but now I stay home and the world comes to me, to visit the old gold rush town of Mariposa and to visit this nature wonder of America called Yosemite National Park.