Wow, what a winter. Rain was late in coming but then hit most most rain ever records. And for sure, more snow than we usually see. A lot of fun though. We only got actually snowed in once, and through some smart juggling of dates, guests kept coming all winter and managed to each find at least one clear day in Yosemite.
Our big pond dam overflowed many times, but of course it is now leaking badly again. We have found a big leak in the main wall, apart from the hundreds of gopher trails. The biggest joy about the pond is watching the small groups of birds arrive. I can now tell whether they are ducks, geese or herons just by the way they come in for a landing. Why are the ducks always in such a hurry? How does the heron signal to his mate that he while he is patiently swimming in circles he is waiting for her in that particular pond?
And, of course, with all this rain the falls in Yosemite are gushing like crazy and will be doing so for most of summer. Plus the big trees trails that were recently refurbished are now open as of April 12th. So barring any disasters I think we are looking forward to a record year of visitors to Yosemite and the surrounding Mariposa areas.
Your Super Host.. Martin